While baseball encounters may not be to everybody’s taste, there can be no denying these events are animated social occasions which are perfect for dates. There’s something about the electric atmosphere, the tension during key moments of the match, and the refreshments which are an integral part of the proceedings, that make baseball so thrilling. All these elements should strike a chord with anyone who has dipped into the equally exciting world of online dating, with sites such as this and others capable of introducing you to a vibrant world of possibilities. So when it comes to taking a date to a baseball game, what are five important tips?
Before a ball has even been pitched
One of the best aspects of baseball is the way you can for the whole occasion long before actually entering any ballpark. Attending a game is something you can get geared up to make the most of. Unlike meeting at your local multiplex ten minutes before the movie begins, when you are about to spend an afternoon watching baseball you can arrive at a conveniently-located bar close by well in advance, taking onboard the liquid refreshments. This will help settle any pre-date nerves, loosen your conversation and generally prime your excitement levels.
This is a sport which can bring people together
Even if your date is less than crazy about the sport, by the time they become immersed in whole hall spectacle there is every likelihood they will eventually grow to appreciate baseball as much as you. While they might begrudgingly agree to join your for that first outing to the stadium, by the time they’ve savored the atmosphere, sampled the dizzying array of refreshments and watched some thrilling innings, their enthusiasm levels might well start matching yours. So a good tip is to be optimistic about your partner’s chances of getting into this scene.
There is more to this sport than the field of play
Anyone who isn’t much of a baseball aficionado might well more about all experienced being about a bunch of grown men working people with a stick. At this level of trivializing the beautiful will be keen to describe War and Peace as some words scribbled on a page. Try to explain the sometimes complicated rules of play in easily-digestible chunks. Weave a sense of mystique about the philosophy of baseball (perhaps by mentioning ‘Field of Dreams,’ the renowned Kevin Costner movie.) But also stress the fact that there is so much more to the event than watching the play. Emphasize the copious refreshment stalls.
Stay as chilled as you want
Unlike other dates where both parties might feel the need to get dressed up for the occasion, attending a baseball match allows you to be far more relaxed in your approach. If you wear casual clothes – sneakers, team shirts, caps and so on – you’ll feel pleasantly chilled on the inside, too. This informality will permeate into every other aspect of your time together, giving your conversation a breezy and carefree edge.
Make the most of the refreshments on offer
A final tip would be making sure you have plenty of cash with you on your date. You might no be splashing out to spoil your partner with the finest house wines in a four-star restaurant, but you can surely bring a warm smile to their face by treating them to a series of mouth-watering hot dog buns or burger rolls, washed down with beakers of satisfyingly ice cool beer. No one at baseball events frets about counting calories!