When it comes to the NCAA football video game future, the murky waters got a bit clearer today with an update from the good folks working tirelessly to bring back the best franchise in gaming history. IMV Gaming wants you to know that while the first edition of its college football video game might not be as "real" as those in the past, they're doing everything they can to create a great game now and far into the future.
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To quickly get you up to speed: IMV Gaming is the brainchild of two cousins attempting to bring back the wildly popular title. By now everyone probably knows about the lawsuit EA Sports settled in the famous Ed O'Bannon case and how that led to the demise of the game.
Well, IMV is looking to bring it back to consoles everywhere, and they recently put out a statement clarifying a few important misconceptions, as well as announced a potential 2020 release.
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NCAA Football Video Game Future
Here's what the company said this week regarding what Gridiron Champions will and won't be.
There is a common misconception in the community that Gridiron Champions will not be a "real" college football video game because our first edition will not be fully licensed. The first edition of Gridiron Champions may not be a "NCAA licensed" college football video game, but it will be a college football video game nonetheless. The game will feature 126-plus generic colleges. The community will be able to completely customize their user experience. This customization includes: uniforms, stadiums, players, rosters, conferences, etc.
We have an extremely detailed plan of how to make the first edition of Gridiron Champions as true to the college experience that you witness on Saturday within the constraints of our generic model. With that in mind, the goal has always been and always will be to produce a fully licensed product, but there is a process at play.
As we have stated many times before, the only reason we are not pursuing licensing in our first edition of Gridiron Champions is due to funding and the fact that the CLC, Learfield, and universities alike have informed us that we should prove the generic model will be profitable and that it will protect the best legal interest of our company and any university that becomes involved moving forward.
With that in mind, #TrustTheProcess. Everything that we are doing has a purpose. Lastly, that you for all your continual support
iMackulate Vision Gaming
The bottom line is this: If you played the EA college football franchise as much as I did growing up, the cousins at IMV Gaming should have your full support.