The NCAA is facing one of the most — or maybe the most — important transfer decision ever. Will Justin Fields' waiver request for immediately eligibility be granted?
"I've decided to transfer to Ohio State University where I will continue to pursue my undergraduate degree and play football for the Buckeyes," Fields tweeted on Jan. 4, nearly three weeks after USA Today's Dan Wolken reported Fields notified Georgia of his intention to transfer after the season.
Speculation that Fields would seek immediate eligibility was confirmed this week when attorney Thomas Mars told ESPN he was helping Fields and Ohio State "put together an argument that would allow him to skip the required one-year waiting period for a transfer." Mars, who helped six former Ole Miss players receive immediate eligibility, including now-Michigan quarterback Shea Patterson, said he predicts the NCAA will make a ruling in the next six weeks.
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The basis behind the waiver request was believed to be an incident in September when a Georgia baseball player referred to Fields using a racial slur. Mars said that's not the only issue.
"Nobody who's on social media would have a problem with Justin getting a waiver if they knew the whole story," Mars told ESPN.
What's the whole story? Will Mars and/or Fields reveal the whole story? Will the NCAA reveal the whole story when explaining — if they do explain — their decision to grant or deny the request?
We need to know the whole story behind a waiver request that will set precedent.